Chat Options

Chat for 13 and Up

  • In public games, the host may choose between phrase and text chat.
  • In private games, the host has the option to select between text only, text and voice chat, or phrase only.

Chat for 12 and Under

  • In public games, you are limited to phrase chat.
  • In private games, the host has the option to select between text only, text and voice chat, or phrase only. Presumably, private games are groups of friends but parents should monitor all online behavior. Please report all inappropriate language/behavior using the in-game reporting system.

Phrase Chat

Phrase chat (canned phrase choices) assures appropriate multiplayer game behavior for all of our players. Players younger than 13 are limited to phrase chat in public games. If your account is limited to phrase chat, these are the only games that you will see in the multiplayer game lobby.

Players provide their birthdate when creating their WolfQuest account. Players under 13 are required to provide parent/guardian permission. More information about COPPA is available in the AgeCheq/COPPA category. If you defined the incorrect date of birth during account creation and you cannot complete the required proof of age parental or guardian form to verify your age, please send an e-mail with your WolfQuest account username to explaining the situation.

Chat Restrictions on Your Account

If you are not a COPPA user (12 and under) and if phrase chat mode is your only option, it means your account has been restricted, likely due to inappropriate behavior. Look for email from and reply directly to that email (check your spam filter). The other option is to email

Text Chat in Open Games

Text chat is available in public games for 13 and older. Text chat uses a filter to discourage bad language, but it cannot prevent creative spellings. If you see someone behaving inappropriately, please submit an in-game report.

How to Chat

In text or phrase chat, press the 'C' key to open the chatbox and type what you would like to say. If ??? shows up, that means the word(s) you tried to type are filtered and you should try a different word. Press ‘Enter’ or ‘Return’ to send your chat message.

Voice chat uses an open channel. You can mute yourself by pressing the 'B' key or other individual players by opening Pack Stats.